Updater-CD for Windows XP:
- Download updater-cd-Full file. (winxp-retrieve-updates-3-10-06.zip)
- Extract the files to a location of your choosing (example C:\downloads)
- Download updater-cd-Diffs file. (winxp-retrieve-updates-##-##-06-Diffs.exe)
- Move the file "winxp-retrieve-updates-##-##-06-Diffs.exe" into the folder containing 'Menu.bat'.
- Execute "winxp-retrieve-updates-##-##-06-Diffs.exe" and choose Extract, then replace with Yes to All.
- Execute the batch file "retrieve-updates.bat" and choose the items that you wish to include.
- Burn the resulting files to a CD using an application like Roxio
or Nero. Pay special attention that all of the files contained in
folder with 'Menu.bat' are placed inside the root of the CD project you create.
Example <cdrom>:\Menu.bat
NextDoorGeek, Inc